DHRPC Committees

Leadership Committee
Leadership Committee (LC) monitors the progress of Planning Council activities to ensure that its work aligns with the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program legislation. LC is made up of the planning council leadership team, committee co-chairs, and any planning council member who would like to serve on the Leadership Committee.

Rules and Membership
Rules and Membership (RM) is responsible for preliminary revision of the DHRPC Bylaws and monitoring DHRPC participation, including the advisement on actions relating to conflict of interest and voting rights. RM assesses how well the Planning Council reflects the current HIV epidemic in the Denver TGA and makes recruitment recommendations to change the roster. RM supports recruitment, interviews potential council members for DHRPC vacancies, and recommends a slate of candidates to the full Planning Council for Mayoral appointment.

Service Needs and Assessment Committee
Service Needs Assessment Committee (SNAC) works with the Denver HIV Resources to identify service needs by gathering data and conducting needs assessments. SNAC manages all needs assessment activities which include analyzing data used for developing the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (SCSN) and the Integrated Plan. With direct input from people living with HIV (PLWH), SNAC conducts the assessment through both qualitative and quantitative methods. SNAC presents data to the PSRA committee in time for priority setting and resource allocation.

Community Engagement Committee
Metro Denver HIV Service Coalition (MDHSC) Committee assesses the service delivery system to determine system performance in meeting the needs of people living with HIV. The committee, although not exclusively, drafts directives for consideration by the DHRPC, to improve service delivery and address implementation issues. They also review and provide feedback to DHR on service standards and crafts recommendations to the DHRPC on service categories to meet the needs of people living with HIV for PS/RA.

Priority Setting and Resource Allocation Committee
Priorities Committee develops and evaluates components of the priority setting and resource allocation process, including the data training meetings, community input process, and Priority Setting and Resource Allocations meeting agendas. The committee will evaluate the process annually and make appropriate adjustments to increase productivity and efficiency. They will collaborate with the EAC to determine the data needed to make informed decisions during the PS/RA process.